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The church where Jesus is Lord!

Matthew 11:28-30(KJV)
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
The Vision
The vision of Haven of Rest, Sanctuary of Praise, Inc. is to be a church composed of a body of believers, winning souls to Jesus Christ by evangelism, teaching and preaching the infallible Word of God. Thereby allowing the Word of God to work in the mind, soul and spirit of those who will come to that Word, which will strengthen, equip and empower them to resist sin and embrace righteous living. Through and by the same Word of God, it will be realized that only God deserves the glory and honor due to His Name, which was revealed through Jesus Christ. JESUS IS LORD!
To reveal and render unto all persons of every race, color, and creed the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, and present to them the opportunity to receive the gift of salvation.
To allow The Holy Spirit to have complete reign and control over this assembly for the perfecting of the saints, the Body of Christ.
To build and strengthen the Body of Christ by demonstrating genuine love, in order to bring about the complete unity of The Spirit of Christ in each believer.
To cover, teach, motivate, encourage, nurture, offer insight, moral support and give spiritual guidance to those men and women of faith whom God has called forth with vision for Kingdom work.
To faithfully commit ourselves to pray without ceasing, for and with other churches and Christian organizations.
To make an aggressive frontal attack against Satan and his kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, by teaching and training men, women, boys and girls how to engage in Spiritual warfare through the Word of God, worship, praise, prayer and more prayer.
To offer refuge, rest and safety to the lost, wearied, troubled, distressed, poor, helpless, homeless, diseased, sick and ill.
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