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Testimonial Monday

Testimonial Monday

Lord, you are Jehovah-Rapha, God our healer, and we thank you for healing us physically, mentally, and spiritually. We praise the most high God for being a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, and Promise Keeper. We thank God that when we are unable to pray, others are interceding on our behalf. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20 NRSV).


On June 12th I got a phone call that I never thought I would get. I tested positive for COVID-19. I did everything that I could to protect myself from this virus and I still caught it.

After the phone call I began to pray, asking God to help me through this. A couple days later, I began to get very sick. Things started happening so fast. I had a fever that would not break. It kept getting higher and higher. I had cold chills and was sweating a lot. My body was in so much pain. The pain that was going through my body was unbearable. I could feel this virus moving all through my body. I was so nauseated that I went days without eating. I had gotten so weak that I could barely walk. I could feel my body shutting down. Every time I tried to go to the bathroom I would pass out. I remember opening my eyes and hearing my family praying and calling on Jesus.

One day, my sister was helping me up off the floor. I looked at her and told her I didn't think that I was going to make it. She said, “You going to make it. God got you.” She helped me back to my room and I begin to cry and call on Jesus because I knew there was power and healing in the name of Jesus. I started quoting scriptures. Whatever scripture that came to my mind. “God you said in your word that you would never leave me nor forsake me that you would be a present help in the time of trouble. God you said that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high God shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. You said that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, for they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness. In your word you said do not fear for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

God did exactly that. He upheld me with his righteous hand. I will forever thank and praise him for healing me and bringing me through. For God is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker and a Promise Keeper. So for anyone that is going through or who have the COVID-19 virus, keep holding on to the promises of God and don't give up. There is nothing too hard for my God. Stand on the word of God for his word will not return void. He is able to do what he said he would do. He will fulfill every promise he made to you. Don’t give up on God because he won't give up on you. He is able to do anything but fail. I give him all the Glory, the Honor and the Praise!



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