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Kingdom Conquest

An army of believers are being gathered and equipped. Who will be skilled in all the weapons of spiritual warfare. They will understand the times. They will see the ways of God concerning Kingdom Conquest. They possess a discernment in spiritual things and are submissive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They view the Kingdom of God as the powerful reign of Jesus, as the King of kings and Lord of lords. This end-time army must go through the Boot Camp of The Holy Spirit. No allegiance to the flesh can be tolerated. How does one become enlisted in the special forces team? By seeking Him. By a disciplined life style. By being sanctified. The Lord told Joshua to tell the people "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow I shall do signs and wonders among you." A good soldier doesn't entangle himself with the world affairs (II Timothy 2:4).

A good soldier endures hardship (v.3). A good soldier seeks to please the one who made you a soldier. A good soldier will allow the Commander-in-Chief to give instruction, reproof, encouragement and revelation. A good soldier writes The Lord's orders on the tablets of their hearts and minds. Jesus is preparing an army that "no man could number" (Rev 7:9). His soldiers must be clothed with the holiness of God. An army filled with zeal for His house; fired up, flamed, ignited and ready to fight.

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